Olivia Waterman -- Silk Fabric Art -- Fabric ink applied directly on silk fabric using basic & simple techniques with beautiful results.
Amy Wharf -- Vessels & Vases -- Amy will show how to make a variety of functional and decorative pots starting with flat slabs of clay
Ken Spiering -- Dynamic, Lush, & Intense -- You thought this was about wine? Water Color painting - demonstration & participation
Clay Connection -- Fused Glass Pendants -- Cutting glass and designing your own pendant. Finished jewelry can be picked up at the Clay Connection 714 E Sprague beginning May 1st.
Eva Silverstone -- Collage Magnets -- Collage is the combination of many materials to make something new. It is a unique medium because you can “borrow” others’ ideas and designs and with a little reworking make something unique and different from the materials that you started with. Learn about this technique and make a small collaged magnet.
Inland Northwest Drawing School -- Designer Gourds -- Explore your creativity by transforming a common gourd into a work of art. Be inspired by a variety of designs & patterns derived from different cultures.
7. Lance Sinema --Clay Menagerie -- Making small animal forms out of clay, both in small scale relief & three-dimensional form to be returned to the school for inclusion in one of the projects with the children.
8. Sondra Barrington and
Rings & Things -- “Found” Objects Jewelry -- Using a variety of found objects, fibers, polymer clay & beads; we will create unique wearable art. Metal disc-loop bracelets will be embellished with textures, baubles, charms and dangles. Collage-inspired ephemera is transformed into a visually stunning bracelet!
Scott Kolbo -- Polyester Plate Lithography -- Make printing plates by hand by drawing whatever you like and Scott will help you print it.
10. Conrad Bagley -- Recycled Stuff Loom Weaving -- Using a hand made and designed free standing loom, we will take strips of old clothes, ribbons, yarn, small stuffed animals anything weavable to create this collective piece of art.
Hamilton Studio -- Facebook Photo Booth -- A photo set, costume props, being creative with ourselves as the subject--fun! Photo to keep by email.
12. Gloria Fox -- Japanese bookbinding -- Japanese bookbinding is a creative, versatile process for personalizing anything you would like in book form. It's fun and easy, limited only by your imagination.
14. Heidi Arbogast -- Visual Thinking Strategies -- Join Heidi in the
Saranac Art Project gallery for a tour & conversation about the art on display.
15. Teya Kuhle -- Mixed Media Papermaking -- Make your own paper incorporating materials from nature.
Peter & Kit Jagoda -- Milagros: a metal tooling relief activity -- The delicate craft of milargro (mee LAH gro) making is a folk art tradition that has played an important role in many cultures. A milagro is a little metal pendant that symbolizes a request , a prayer, or a wish.
The Great Spokane Art Party